New Research into Mammalian Meat Allergy presented in Lisbon this week.
Research by Dr Karl Baumgart, Dr Andrew Broadfoot and A/Prof Sheryl
van Nunen, was presented at the EAACI (European Academy of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology) Conference in Lisbon, Portugal this week.
This gathering of clinical immunologists and allergists from around
the world saw that in New South Wales that in almost two-thirds of
individuals with positive tests for alphagal (the allergen causing
mammalian meat allergy [MMA]) their allergy levels to alphagal
reduce significantly within 12-18 months.
TiARA comments that "as MMA and tick anaphylaxis (TA) are known to be
caused by tick bites, that the lack of further tick bites is key to
losing the MMA and as it is also known that further tick bites can
result in the allergy levels more than doubling, all possible efforts
to avoid tick bites and to kill them in situ (where they are) are
essential strategies in avoiding these allergies- which are the
allergies you don't have to have!".